Acts of Faith Part 4
Watch Acts of Faith Part 4

Available on: Mar 19 2016

When we stop acting in faith, we stop the progress God has planned for our lives. Learn more as Pastor Kevin shares how to step into the water of faith.


Make sure to start off with prayer. Then choose one or more of these icebreaker questions to open up with.

  • What is your favorite genre of music? What is your least favorite genre of music?
  • What are 3 things on your "bucket list"?

Message Review

Main points and scriptures from this week's message.

  • Big things happen when we Act in FAITH.

Week 1 of this series we talked about "digging ditches," week 2 we "ripped the roof off," week 3 we "planted seeds," and now we are going to "stand in the river."

Joshua 3:8 (NIV) 
"Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: "When you reach the edge of the Jordan's waters, go and stand in the river.'"

Background to this verse: The Israelites were living as slaves in Egypt when a freedom fighter named Moses was called by God to be an advocate, a voice, who negotiated for their freedom. The negotiations with Pharaoh, their oppressor, were inconsistent, but finally after generations of living as slaves, they were set free. History tells us that over 3 million people left Egypt without knowing where they were going. The place they thought they were headed towards was a place that seemed to good to be true. This "promised land" embodied the desires of their hearts. It was a place of hope and new beginnings. However, between them and the promised land were many obstacles to get past. There were battles to fight, enemies to overcome, and two main bodies of water they had to pass through, the Red Sea and the Jordan River.

In order to pass the Red Sea they needed God's intervention, and so God parted the sea, the people went through, and it then separated God's people from the yoke of slavery at the hands of Pharaoh. Now, God had set them free, and gave them the power to choose their fate. In other words, they were free to make their own decisions. 

Question: Are you free today to make your own decisions?

It was here between the Red Sea and the Jordan River, with opportunities and the possibility of the promised land ahead that they encountered the enemy within them. 

Here is how they reacted:

  • They lacked the warrior mentality.
  • They complained about how hard life was.
  • They sulked in self pity.
  • They blamed their leaders.
  • They blamed God.
  • They were so small minded and negative that they even murmured about wishing they were back in Egypt. 

When you STOP Acting in Faith, you STOP the PROGRESS God has planned for your life. 

This was a time of opportunity. They could have come self-sufficient, strong, independent, land owners. But instead of moving life forward they allowed their own internal fears to hold them back. Then, after 37 years God gives them a way to leave their place of confusion and cross into the next season of their lives and history. He did this by telling them "Go stand in the river."

Sometimes God PARTS the waters ahead of you and sometimes He asks you to STEP into the water. 

Their next step was a step of faith. Chances are that your next step forward is a step of faith. Scripture says that we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Doubt will hold you back, fear will freeze you up, there is paralysis in analysis. But FAITH is what moves you FORWARD!

If your going to experience the PROMISES of God for your life and future it takes ACTS of Faith. 

Maybe you've never thought of your "Acts of Faith" as influencing or effecting God's work in your life. Maybe you have assumed that God would do what God wants to do regardless of what you do. But the truth is that:

  • If you need water you may have to dig some ditches.
  • If there is barriers between you and Jesus you might have to RIP off the ROOF. 
  • If you want a harvest you may have to sow a seed. 
  • If you want to see the promises God as fo ryou in the future...the river might not roll back unless you step into the water and Stand in the River. 

One of the best ways to "step into the water" is to literally step into the water by way of water baptism. We are celebrating over 250 people that decided to get baptized this weekend at Champions Centre. Every one of them decided to act in faith and step into the water.

What river is God asking you to stand in? 

Message Discussion Questions

Read the following guidelines before starting your group discussion.

  • Answer the question specifically. Avoid tangents and try to stay on target.
  • Limit your responses to 1-2 minutes per question.
  • Use I, me, or we statements. This is a time for personal reflection, not a time to fix others.
  • Each person is free to share without interruptions when sharing within the suggested guidelines. 

The following questions will help guide your discussions and give your group some opportunities to open up and share.

  • Tell about a time when God intervened on your behalf. (Has he "split the waters" for you?)
  • Can you relate to the Israelites in the desert at times? (Complaining, negativity, held back by fear, blaming others, self pity)
  • When you stop acting in faith you stop the progress God has planned for you. What progress or plan do you think God has for you?
  • What holds you back from acting in faith and taking steps towards something when there is no guarantee of an outcome? (Fear, anxiety, negativity, outside influences, something else)
  • It took the Israelites 37 years to do something that should have only taken them 11 days. Why do you think God allowed them to wander around for so long in the wilderness?
  • How will you ensure that you do not wander around for 37 years like the Israelites? What is something you can do that will prevent a similar situation in your life?
  • Have you ever been baptized in water? If yes, share about your experience. If not, what is holding you back?

Live It Out

Encourage your group to start doing. Commit to a step, and live it out this week.

  • Begin a habit of writing things down in a journal daily. Write down what you did that was good and not so good. And write down your experiences with God that day. Where did you see His goodness? What did you learn about Him?
  • In your journal reflect on your baptism. What was the setting? Who was there? What were you feeling before and after? 
  • Invite someone to Easter service this weekend. Many people who would not normally come to church will come during Easter weekend.

Closing Thoughts

  • Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.
  • More resources always available here: Small Group Resources