What Matters Most Part 1
Watch What Matters Most Part 1

Available on: Jul 24 2016

In the search for having it all, we discover that we just can't quite get there on our own.

Jul 25 2016 Brandon Stewart

Pastor Brandon Stewart gives us a great reminder about what matters most in our lives.

serving eternity circles small groups curriculum


Make sure to start off with prayer. Then choose one or more questions to open up with.

  • Would you rather live in a world where there were giant angry gummy bears walking the streets, or in a world where you always had cheeto's dust on your fingers?
  • What is your funniest travel memory?

Message Review

Main points and scriptures from this week's message. 

Today, I'd like to bring a message simply called, "What Matters Most."

For years, we have been told we can have it all, be it all, and do it all. 

The economy of our lives becomes "the perfect life." So, inevitably we set out in pursuit of having it all and living the perfect life.  

Here is an example of what a day looks like in pursuit of perfection. We get up an hour early to exercise, another hour for devotions, another hour for getting kids ready or up for the day. Throughout the day we are jugglers of priorities, problem solvers at home, the managers of kids, spouses, finances, schedules, gas tanks and work priorities. Of course we’re also Christians, and have this part of us that longs to serve Jesus, to really honor him with our lives.

Inevitably the day that began as the perfect day begins to face the reality of our imperfect lives. Fast food ends up more convenient than a healthy meal, thus killing the workout you woke up early for. Traffic ends up changing our schedule and work ends up taking priority over family life and serving God. In desparation we make our way to the local bookstore and pick-up a backpack full of self-help books, which really just ends up adding another thing to our already full schedules.

At night we end up collapsing into bed saying, "tomorrow will be the perfect day!" You might also say, "Was it worth it?" and "WHAT MATTERS MOST ANYWAY?"

At the end of this day, the next, and at the end of our lives there is a one-word, simple answer. What matters most is ETERNITY. 

The expounded answer is that having a life centered around Jesus, His Church, and His purpose is what matters most. 

Let's not rush past this though, because the answer to this question is critical. It will impact every decision you make. Here is a story that many Christians have heard before, about a rich young ruler in the Bible. 

Luke 18:18–23 (ESV)
And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’” And he said, “All these I have kept from my youth.” When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich.

In the first part of this story we read about one man, the rich young ruler, who decided that eternity did not matter most. Now let's look at the other side of the coin when we read Peter's response to the situation.

Luke 18:28–30 (ESV)
And Peter said, “See, we have left our homes and followed you.” And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.”

We see a rich young ruler that missed his moment to serve God. What caused this Rich Young Ruler to miss it? I want to know, because I don't want to miss mine. To be clear, I am not talking about salvation. One of the main points of this scripture is that you cannot earn salvation and eventually we all fall short, thus our need for a savior. But what I am talking about is being used by God and living a life of significance. While salvation is free, living the life of that has eternal impact might cost you everything. 

Here is the truth, too many people are asking God to use them, but are failing to put themselves in any context where God can actually take their life and use it for His glory.

When considering how to put yourself in a position to be used by God, consider this:

  • The Church is plan A and there is no plan B.
  • Jesus is building his church (Matthew 16:18)
  • If you want to be part of what Jesus is doing, look no further than the Church.
  • The Church is big enough to hold your dreams and center your life around.
  • You can do everything you've dreamed of doing while still building your life around Jesus and His Church.
  • The stakes have never been higher for churches to rise up in strength and in stature and bring Jesus to a world that is dying to know Him.

So again, when you take an inventory of your life, how would you answer the question: "WHAT MATTERS MOST?"

My prayer for you today is that the answer would be ETERNITY.

Here are some ways you can rearrange your life to live for what matters most.

1. Exchange Perfection for Purpose

I would say our family is living for God's purpose, but we are nowhere near perfect. My marriage has gaps, my parenting has gaps, and our lives have gaps. But through all the imperfections, through all the gaps, our life became perfect, because we weren't focused on perfection, we were focused on the PERFECT PURPOSE OF CHRIST.

2. Exchange Feelings for Faithfulness

1 Corinthians 4:1–2 (NKJV)
Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.  Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.

Sometimes serving Jesus means being faithful past your feelings. You are not always going to feel like showing up to serve, or continuing in a church past your offenses. You definitely will not always feel like tithing. But exchange your feeling for faithfulness. 

I know what the reality of some of our lives are. I also know that every day we face situations where we have to keep WHAT MATTERS MOST in mind.

You might be a parent whose children aren’t serving Jesus, swallowed up in debt unable to tithe and give because your financial life is upside down.

Maybe you are silently struggling with addiction or a stronghold in your life that you just can’t shake. 

Or perhaps you are recently out of a job or unemployed, unable to provide for your family. Maybe your marriage is on the rocks.

In our church, we’ve constantly seen the power of JESUS show up for people whose minds are set on him. 

I’ve seen prodigal children come home and start serving Jesus when parents didn’t stop praying.

I know a single mom who went from barely making it financially to buying a house with cash, and living with enough financial freedom to be generous at church and build a life for her daughter.

I’ve seen hundreds of people set free from addiction through our recovery ministry… and given the tools to manage life long struggles

We have something that matters most, because Jesus Christ hung on a cross and overcame death. He was faithful past his feelings, when he did not feel like going forward with the plan as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsename. He exchanged perfection for purpose when he actually did live the perfect life but gave it up to save you. In doing all that, Jesus became WHAT MATTERS MOST!

Message Discussion Questions

The following questions will help guide your discussions and give your group some opportunities to open up and share.

  • Tell about one way that your pursuit of a "perfect life" led you to disappointment.
  • When you lay your head on the pillow at night do you feel fulfilled?
  • If someone else were to take an inventory of your life, how you spend your time, your actions, etc. What would they say matters most to you?
  • How do you want to be used by God? What is your ministry dream?
  • When you consider how you want to be used by God, are you putting yourself into a context for that to happen?
  • How can you exchange perfection for purpose?
  • What feelings do you need to exchange for faithfulness in order to rearrange your life and put God first?

Live It Out

Encourage your group to start doing. Commit to a step, and live it out this week.

  • On paper, take an inventory of your life. Consider how you spend your time on a daily basis, the music you listen to, the friendships you maintain, the amount of time you read your bible, pray, etc. After you take the inventory, write down the answer to this question, "looking at my life what appears to matter most?"
  • Pray for Team Church Conference, which is coming up August 1-3. Pray that the Pastors and teams coming here from around the world will be filled up, refreshed, and enlightened as a result of Team Church. 
  • If you are not already involved in a serving role at church, get on a team. Go to cc.church/serve for more information. 

Closing Thoughts

  • Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.
  • More resources always available here: Small Group Resources