Make It Fun Part 2
Watch Make It Fun Part 2

Available on: Jun 15 2019

Are you having fun in your life? If not, tune in as Pastor Kevin tells us how to give ourselves permission to have fun.

Jun 17 2019 Champions Centre Team

Give yourself permission to have fun.

move life forward talk it out life groups make it fun


Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:

What fun things do you have planned this summer? What are some good ideas for summer fun?


Open YouVersion and read: Ecclesiastes 8:15 (NLT), Psalm 100:4 (NIV), and 1 Thessalonians 4:1 (MSG).

Main points from this week's message:

Make It Fun: Adding Joy to the Journey

Main Point: God wants us to have fun. Jesus had fun.

Talk-it-Out: How can you be more intentional about having fun at home, at work, in your marriage, at church, with your kids?

Talk-it-Out: What do you think about the statement: Jesus had fun?

Main Point: Fun is meant to be a part of our salvation experience.

Psalm 20:5 (NIV)
May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions!

Talk-it-Out: How can we reflect that Christianity is fun? Have you or do you know of anyone who thinks that being a Christian means you have to give up fun?

Main Point: Fun makes hard times bearable.

Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)
A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Talk-it-Out: Discuss a time when you were going through something difficult and a funny video, show, joke, or something fun shifted your mood. Is there someone you know that needs some fun or laughter in their life?

Main Point: Fun makes work more enjoyable, and we get more done.

Talk-it-Out: What can you do to start every day with the right mindset that will lift your spirit and the spirit of others? What can you do to make your day, or better yet, someone else’s day?


Encourage your group to start writing things down. Do the following exercise:

Journal about the things that make you smile, make you happy, or make you laugh.


This coming week, be intentional every day to make someone else smile, laugh, and enjoy. You have the power to shift the atmosphere around you with FUN!

Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.