Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:
Are you a Rock & Roll, Jazz, Classical or Country music person? What is your favorite song?
Open YouVersion and read: 1 Corinthians 9:24–27, 1 Timothy 6:12, Psalm 144:1, and Hebrews 12:1-11
Main points from this week's message:
Developing a Champion Mindset
Main Point: A champion mindset lives with awareness every day that there’s a battle to fight and a victory to win.
Talk-it-Out: Is there a battle that you’re facing right now? How can we encourage one another to keep their fight on?
Main Point: A champion mindset will stick to the fight plan.
Talk-it-Out: Pastor Ryan talked about getting the “Eye of the Tiger” back. It is easy to get disoriented, discouraged and want to quit. How do you fight off the wrong mindsets? Who do you have in your corner to cheer you on?
Main Point: A champion mindset knows when you’re down, but not out.
Talk-it-Out: Everyone deals with self-doubt. Everyone finds it easier to stay down and out for the count, but what can you do to keep your mindset fixed and focused on the what you are fighting for? (marriage, kids, health, etc.)
Talk-it-Out: How can you put on the full armor of God daily to fight the enemy?
Talk-it-Out: Pastor Ryan said, “Watch your self-talk, get the right people in your corner, and say yes to the right things.” What can you do today to shift your mindset to one of a champion?
Journal about the battles you have faced and the victories you have won.
Read Ephesians 6:10-18 every morning before taking on your day and watch and see what God will do.
Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.