Family Forward Part 5
Watch Family Forward Part 5

Available on: Oct 06 2019

There is nothing like living in agreement, being connected, and being in sync with God’s plan for your life. Pastor Kevin Gerald dives deeper into what living in alignment with God's plan, God's people, and God's people looks like in the last part of our Family Forward series.

Oct 07 2019 Kevin Gerald

In this series, Pastor Kevin Gerald challenges us to not only move life forward, but move family forward . . . together.

talk it out family forward move life forward


Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:

What is your favorite fall food or beverage?


Open YouVersion and take turns reading: Luke 5:3–6, Psalm 92:13, 2 Timothy 2:23

Main points from this week's message:

Living in alignment with God’s plan, God’s people and God’s purpose.

Main Point: When you’re in alignment, your life will flourish.

Talk-it-Out: Simon Peter knew how to fish, how to read the tides, where and when to fish. Jesus asked him to do something that was counterintuitive. Peter could have ignored Jesus and told him he was wrong. But instead, Peter obeyed. Talk about a time you obeyed God or a time when you ignored God.

Main Point: Alignment = Being planted in God’s house, doing life with God’s people.

Talk-it-Out: What does being planted in God’s house mean to you? Are you planted at Champions Centre? (have you gone through Growth Track? Are you serving on a team?)

Main Point: Alignment = Keeping arguments and strife out of your life.

Talk-it-Out: Our world today is saturated with arguments that distract our attention and consume our energy. Arguments and strife will hold you back and rob you of the life God wants you to live. How can you identify the arguments and strife in your life and keep them from taking up space in your thoughts and in your everyday life?

Main Point: Alignment = Acts of Faith

Talk-it-Out: Peter decided to rely solely on Jesus’ Word and he let the nets down once again. This was his “nevertheless” moment. I know in my head what it looks like, and it makes no sense to let down my nets, but nevertheless, because you say so, I will. Faith and trust go hand in hand with alignment. What do you need to do to get back in alignment with your family members, your boss, and even the Lord?

Main Point: Alignment = A place of supernatural provision.

Talk-it-Out: You may be an adjustment or two away from experiencing an avalanche of God’s goodness and favor in your life. One act of obedience, one adjustment can change your story. What area of your life would you like to see God’s abundance and goodness?


Write about the areas in your life that may be out of alignment, then write out a prayer or declaration to God to help you get back in sync with Him.


This week, if you haven’t, go to Growth Track, get on a team, host a Life Group, begin tithing.

Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.