Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:
What did you like best about Legacy Offering Weekend?
Open YouVersion and take turns reading:
Luke 9:12-17, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:24-25, Malachi 3:10, 1 Timothy 6:17
Main Point: When an offering leaves your hand, it doesn’t leave your life.
Talk-it-Out: “You never know what God will do with what you give.” We may think the little we have won’t make a difference. How do we tend to minimize our potential to partner with God in a miracle? (consider the fishes and loaves)
Main Point: You will never outgive God.
Talk-it-Out: Reciprocity is when there is an exchange in giving. God promises benefits to us when we give and he wants us to make room in our minds for that blessing. What doors have opened for you or what blessings have you received as a result of your giving. (talk about the 12 baskets leftover for the disciples)
Main Point: Giving makes us rich in good works. (You are creating a harvest of good things in someone else's life)
Talk-it-Out: So often we don’t realize the difference our giving makes. Pastor told several stories this weekend about lives changed because of our giving. He talked about our kids that praise and worship Jesus because we give. He talked about our church being alive because we give. Talk about what seeing our kids on the platform, our kids bringing in their offerings in their little piggy banks, or our kids collecting offering, meant to you this weekend. (did you see their joy?)
Main Point: God won’t ask you to give what you don’t have. But, He may ask you to give what you want to keep.
Talk-it-Out: Money and possessions are sensitive topics for many people. What is it that you need to release and give to God so that he can, in turn, release his blessings on you and others?
Write out a list of what is in your hand, though it may be small, that you can use to advance the church? How can you serve? What gift do you have that you are meant to give?
This week, think about how you can bless another person. Maybe it’s buying someone a latte or maybe it’s inviting them to your house for Thanksgiving dinner. Have a great week!
Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.
When we give, lives are changed. Here's a story of someone who has been impacted by your giving:
Vin came to Champions Centre Yakima three weeks ago. He was in town for a job interview, but decided to check out a local church just in case he got the job. He ended up giving his life to Jesus, got the job and is excited to make Champions Centre Yakima his home.