Heart and Soul
Watch Heart and Soul

Available on: Jan 26 2020

Our 2020 vision is to be the most life-giving, big-thinking, God-pleasing, people-serving church in the world. Pastor Kevin focuses on why to serve heart and soul for this year's Vision Weekend.

Jan 27 2020 Kevin Gerald

Our 2020 vision is to be the most life-giving, big-thinking, God-pleasing, people-serving church in the world. Pastor Kevin focuses on why to serve heart and soul for this year's Vision Weekend.

move life forward Kevin Gerald vision weekend heart and soul building God's church to reach the unreached


Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:

Who are you rooting for on Superbowl weekend? Are you throwing a Superbowl party or going to one?

Open YouVersion and take turns reading: 1 Samuel 14:6-7, Matthew 16:8, Hebrews 10:25, Isaiah 54:2

Main points from this week's message: Vision Weekend: Heart and Soul. What’s next in 2020?

Main Point: Our vision is to be the most life-giving, big-thinking, God-pleasing, people-serving church in the world!

Talk-it-Out: What could your next step be as an individual, family or group to support this vision? (Go to Growth Track, serve on a team, start tithing, lead a Life Group, etc?)

Main Point: Build God’s church. Reach unchurched people.

Talk-it-Out: We all saw the stats on salvations, guests, baptisms, etc. from 2019 this past weekend. What can we do to invite and bring more people with us? Discuss who we could invite and how we could go about it.

Main Point: Strengthen Connectivity

Talk-it-Out: As an individual, how can you be stronger in your connection to God and others this year and how can you help more people get connected to community?

Main Point: Use Technology to Expand

Talk-it-Out: Who do you know that is not near one of our physical locations that could host a watch party in their home or around their community on Sundays?

Main Point: Occupy More Space on Social Media

Talk-it-Out: What forms of social media are you currently using? How can you start using your social media platforms to get others connected to the church?


Write down what your next steps will be this year to move your life and the lives of those you love toward being more connected to community than ever before.


This week, start following your church, church staff, friends, team members on social media and start engaging, liking, and posting!

Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.