Naked and Unafraid #4
Watch Naked and Unafraid #4

Available on: Feb 23 2020

Pastor Kevin Gerald shows us how to life with a no victim, no blame, no excuses ownership policy. Continuing with part 4 of Naked and Unafraid, he helps us understand how taking ownership in all areas of our life will work together for our good.

Feb 23 2020 Kevin Gerald

Pastor Kevin Gerald shows us how to life with a no victim, no blame, no excuses ownership policy. Continuing with part 4 of Naked and Unafraid, he helps us understand how taking ownership in all areas of our life will work together for our good.

move life forward courage kevin gerald the fear of exposure abandon smallness naked and unafraid vulnerability window watcher street dancer


Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:

In hindsight, what advice would you have given to yourself when you’ve walked through pain?




  1. What impacted you as you watched today’s video?
  2. If you’re going through a tough season right now, what are some ways you can make sure this is just a chapter of your story instead of the rest of your story?
  3. Everyone gets served offense from time to time, but drinking the “poison of offense” is optional. How can you move forward and leave the offense behind?
  4. Have you ever played the victim in a relationship? How can you overcome the victim mentality and change your thinking?
  5. Think of some of the people that have been adders and multipliers in your life. In what ways have they added to or multiplied back into your life?


Write about a painful encounter that has impacted your life. How has it shaped your life?


This week, spend time in prayer about what you have been through. Ask God to help you get peace on any pain that is still lingering.


Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.