Naked and Unafraid #5
Watch Naked and Unafraid #5

Available on: Mar 01 2020

God wants what is best for you, your children, and your legacy, but that doesn't mean you won't have to fight for it. Pastor Kevin Gerald finishes his series Naked and Unafraid by explaining the importance of life's pressures and to not count yourself out of what God has included you in.

Mar 02 2020 Kevin Gerald

God wants what is best for you, your children, and your legacy, but that doesn't mean you won't have to fight for it. Pastor Kevin Gerald finishes his series Naked and Unafraid by explaining the importance of life's pressures and to not count yourself out of what God has included you in.

move life forward courage kevin gerald the fear of exposure abandon smallness naked and unafraid vulnerability window watcher street dancer


Make sure to start off with prayer. Open up group with this icebreaker:

What creates stress in your life and how do you usually react to it?




  1. Consider that not all stress is bad stress. What are some examples of good stress that leads to positive outcomes?
  2. Name three things you can do to “get through what you’re going through.”
  3. What kind of spy would you have been to go scope out the PromisedLand? Would you have focused on the size of the grapes? Or the size of the giants? Or how you thought you looked like a grasshopper in their eyes?
  4. How can you move back the self-imposed boundaries of your life? What happens when you do?


What means the most to you and what gives you joy are most likely the same things that also create stress in your life. (your marriage, your relationships, your ministry, your family, your job, the cause you volunteer for, or the church you belong to) Make a list of the stressors in your life. Next to it, write out why it is stressful and/or why it brings you joy.


Choose to speak scripture out loud this week as you determine to focus on the joy stressful circumstances can represent in your life. For example, when sitting in traffic you might say, “God I am thankful for the car I have to drive me wherever I need to go. It is such a blessing to me.”


Finish group with prayer requests and praise reports.