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Joy UP Part 4
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Joy UP Part 4
It's easy to focus on the initial pressure, but what if you were meant to push against it?...
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Joy UP Part 3
By choosing to rejoice under pressure, you are not running from pressure, but instead being...
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Joy UP Part 2
Joy is not the natural response to negative circumstances in our lives. Watch now as Pastor...
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Joy UP Part 1
When it comes to joy, it's more than just a feeling. It's a choice. Discover how you can have...
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Summer Love Part 1
How are you choosing to live your life? This message will inspire you to live a life of love.
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Open Table Part 1
We are designed to be at the table, but most times, we miss our reservation. Discover what's...
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Demystify Part 2
The most paralyzing thought you can think is I’m all alone in this, but what if we were to...
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Demystify Part 1
We break down who the Holy Spirit is in the first part of this message series.
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The Power of Women
You are made in the image and likeness of God and with that comes power, but it's easy to make ...
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Full of It
What do you do when you feel like life has taken your joy, your faith, and your passion? This...
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Naked and Unafraid Part 3
Special guest and former long snapper for the Seattle Seahawks, Clint Gresham, shares about...
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Naked and Unafraid Part 2
We hope this message will instill within you the courage you need to not let the criticism in...
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Naked and Unafraid Part 1
Fear can keep us in the looking through the window when God asked us to walk through the door. ...
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The Week that Changed the World: Easter Part 3
Sometimes the only way to get where you're going is to go through something you don’t want to...
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The Week that Changed the World: Good Friday Part 2
When you understand the cross, you understand everything. This message by Pastor Kevin will...
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The Week that Changed the World Part 1
Jesus made a decision to go to Jerusalem for Passover even though some of his disciples tried...
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Dumb Dichotomies Part 2
Dumb Dichotomies can cause you to live in a small mentality and miss out on the bigger...
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Dumb Dichotomies Part 1
In order to elevate one truth, it often requires putting down the other, but why not both?
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Team Church One Day: Moving Church Forward
Kevin Gerald shares a message on Leading Church Forward.
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Team Church One Day: Leading Church Forward
How do we move church forward? We learn how to recognize when we're stuck.
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